benefits of onsite medical infectious wastes treatment with sterigerms and steribags

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the management of medical infectious waste remains a critical challenge for hospitals, dialysis centers, and other medical facilities. While traditional practices of outsourcing waste management to specialized collectors are effective, on-site medical infectious waste treatment with the Sterigerms solution offers numerous additional advantages. Here’s why installing a Sterigerms machine is a game-changer for healthcare facilities: 

Enhanced Safety at the Source

The Sterigerms machine treats medical infectious waste using a combination of dry heat of 150°C and compression, transforming hazardous materials into safe, inert waste. By processing infectious waste as close as possible to its point of generation, the risk of exposure to infectious materials is drastically reduced for both patients and medical staff. This immediate on-site medical infectious waste treatment mitigates the potential for contamination during transport and handling, providing an added layer of safety and peace of mind. 

Significant Volume Reduction

One of the most remarkable features of the Sterigerms machine is its ability to reduce waste volume by up to 80%. This substantial decrease in bulk not only makes waste management more efficient but also reduces the frequency of waste removal. Smaller, safer waste volumes mean less storage space required and fewer disruptions to the facility’s operations. 

Cost Savings

Treating medical infectious waste on-site with Sterigerms can lead to significant cost savings especially for the medical facilities located in rural or hard-to-reach areas. Traditional outsourcing involves substantial expenses linked to the transportation and handling of hazardous waste, costs which are often influenced by fluctuating petrol prices. By eliminating the dependency on external waste collectors, healthcare facilities can stabilize their waste management budgets and redirect resources towards patient care and other essential services. 

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Environmental sustainability is a growing concern within the healthcare sector. Sterigerms contributes to reducing the carbon footprint of medical facilities by eliminating the need for specialized infectious waste transport. By treating waste on-site, the emissions associated with vehicle fuel consumption and road transport are significantly decreased, aligning the facility’s operations with green initiatives and regulatory compliance. 


The adoption of Sterigerms on-site medical infectious waste treatment solution presents a forward-thinking approach for healthcare facilities aiming to enhance safety, efficiency, and sustainability. By treating waste at its source, reducing its volume, cutting costs, and minimizing environmental impact, Sterigerms offers a comprehensive solution that outperforms traditional outsourcing methods. For hospitals, dialysis centers, and other medical facilities committed to excellence and innovation in healthcare, Sterigerms is an indispensable asset. 

By integrating the Sterigerms solution into their operations, medical facilities can not only optimize their waste management practices but also contribute to a safer and greener future for all. 

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